Letter from the Rector



                                                                                                                                                                            March & April 2024


Dear All Saints’ Family and Friends,

I write this letter at the half-way mark of this Lenten season. As we continue our walk along the path to Easter, we will come to Holy Week and the Triduum - the Three Days during which we focus on the final hours of Jesus’ life. The liturgies for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and The Great Vigil of Easter are full of symbols and ancient rituals. (BCP 274, 275, 285) However, the goal of our participation is not to simply retell an old story, but to lift up that which is central to our Christian identity. 

The Triduum is, in fact, one powerful liturgy in three parts. One part flows into the next with sounds, smells, taste, sight, and actions that are unique and integral to these services. They include foot washing to demonstrate our call to servanthood, the passion narrative read in parts, the carrying of a wooden cross in the midst of the congregation, the lighting of the Paschal Candle from the newly kindled fire, and the ringing of the bells during the “Gloria” in the first Easter mass of the season. This is the greatest of life’s journeys for we are led from point to point to the place where we are ready and eager to joyfully proclaim the good news: “Alleluia. Christ is risen. The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia.”

You are invited to join us for worship as we move through these weeks leading to Easter. Information about services and other events are listed in this newsletter. Updates and other details will be posted on allsaintsbaldwin.org.

Blessings as you continue your Lenten pilgrimage and a happy holy Easter season when it comes.


Yours in Christ,

The Rev. Maxine Barnett, Rector